Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fragment of self


Another in the "Self" series. This time a need for a smaller version as a gift for my Mother who particularly liked "Revealing Self" (a look beneath the surface) when she last visited. I'm off to South Africa soon to visit with Mother and wanted to take her another in the series, but obviously something smaller would be easier to pack into my suitcase.

I didn't want to simply paint a smaller version, so I came up with the idea of recreating just a section of the original on a smaller box canvass - a fragment of the original. And thus "Fragmented Self" came to be. 

It's another look at the layers beneath the surface of our personalities, revealing protective layer after experience layer we all create and grow around our delicate inner beauty.

Take a look at a few pics showing the process.


  1. Rob, it is sublime. And I so loved seeing the actual work-in-progress shots.

    A fascinating, creative and very tactile piece of art which really reaches deep into the mind of the viewer. Bravo, bravo!

  2. wonderful work Rob - and as Tessa says, fascinating to see the work in progress which also consists of layers overlaid to create the whole around the shining self. Have a fabulous time in SA - nice and hot here at the mo! travel safe xV

  3. I love it and really liked seeing the step by step shots.

  4. You are so talented and this is wonderful, being able to see step by step! I know your Mum will love it and I do hope you have a wonderful trip to South Africa! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs to you both!


  5. So, right now I am wishing I was as eloquent as the previous people posting comments! All my sluggish mind can come up with is "Wow!".

    If I were in the least bit artistically gifted I would paint you a green landscape - green to mirror the tremendous envy I feel for your great talent!

    Congrats and have a terrific weekend.

    Kirst. xxx

  6. Oooooooohhhhh! I love this, Rob!

    It's great to see the process involved in a painting and the final result is lovely!

    I love the scrubbed bit. During my last art class, the instructor had just received a belt sander for her birthday... and she used for exactly this purpose... 'to reveal the hidden layers'... as well as to refinish furniture! ;-)

    I hope your trip to South Africa goes well and fires up loads of artistic inspiration for you.

  7. Nicely done ... my friend Jeane also shares how she paints/creates .. you two should meet ..

  8. hi! now here I am at your art spot - and some insight into the creative process is great!
